DIN A5 Paintings currently up for sale

Farin 3D
Inspired by my cat Farin. he was blind on one eye, so he had issues with depth perception. Thus the 3d Glasses.
Inspired by my cat Farin. he was blind on one eye, so he had issues with depth perception. Thus the 3d Glasses.

conservative mentality. A literal approach.

Le voyage
Inspired by Georges Méliès' Le voyage dans la lune.

Not from around
I travel a lot.

Bears in black
Part of a previous project "Bear Affair".

Viking Bear
Part of a previous project "Bear Affair".

Part of a previous project "Bear Affair".

Part of a previous project "Bear Affair".

Zip it Sepp
Part of a previous project "Bear Affair".

Wally who?
a self-portrait. Classy.

Quote the goat
Quote is the name. Who would quote a goat?

Because no one says cosmonaut anymore. Sniff.

avoiding the void

Inspired by my cat Farin. Having a pet for once.

Herr Herrmann Herrmann
A common name, that can be the first or the second name. Or both, in my teacher's case. He was as manly as the name, just not as funny.

X-Mas Tree
enjoying the summer. before the rush season's back.

Part of the Puffin viking trio. he's the cozy one.
Part of the Puffin viking trio. he's the cozy one.

Part of the Puffin viking trio. he's the strict one.
Part of the Puffin viking trio. he's the strict one.

Thank you for visiting my Portfolio.